How to Enable ifconfig Command in CentOS7

Some of the issues you may encounter upon installing of CentOS 7 with minimal installation, are running some commands that in the older version of CentOS exist but not in this one. Like a command running “ifconfig”  this will prompt you a message as:

[root@server1 ~] # ifconfig
- bash : ifconfig : command not found

An alternate command to use instead of ifconfig are “ip addr” or “ip addr sh”

In order for you to have it, you need to search for a packages that provides a certain utility like ifconfig.

You can do “yum provides utility-name” so in our case we do:

[root@server1 ~]# yum provides ifconfig
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
net-tools-2.0-0.17.20131004git.el7.x86_64 : Basic networking tools
Repo        : @base

So you can install the net-tools to use that deprecated utility.

[root@server1 ~]# yum -y install net-tools

You should be able to use ifconfig command after the installation.


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